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Showing posts from June, 2010

WalMart, is this really necessary?

On most login screens on the web, what are the 3 form elements you typically see: username password checkbox so the site can "remember" me Right? These 3 things are virtually synonymous with login. So much so that you can tab from one field to the other without using the mouse (at least I can). Anyway, so I ordered something from Walmart and to pay, I was required to sign into my Walmart account. Here's Walmart version of the universal login dialog. See if you can spot the odd item and the piece of switchroo that'll make the North Korean soccer team proud: "Sign me up for Email Savings and Updates"....Really Walmart? You think people want to think about subscribing to mailing lists when entering their username/passwords? How many people have accidentally clicked the button hoping to make the website "remember" them only to find themselves receiving junk from Walmart?