I haven't read the new health care bill and I probably won't read it. But from what I've heard, it specifically bares federal money from being spent on abortion. I think this is very wrong. Regardless of whether you are pro-life or pro-choice (pro-abortion is a word used only by demagogues because no one really wants more abortion) , as long as abortion is still a legal medical option, why should we specifically deny it federal funding? Sometimes I think people forget what it means to be part of a community. You don't get to pick and choose what you want your tax dollars to be spent on. Just because we all can't agree on the same policy on abortion doesn't mean we should undermine it. If every other medical option get federal funding, why shouldn't abortion? And where does it stop? Will we stop funding mental health because we think the power of prayer should suffice? Will we stop funding planned parenthood because the catholic church doesn't believe in
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