While he may be the most physically gifted player in the NBA, he is still a punk. The proof is in his reaction to losing game 6 to the Magic yesterday. Rather than stay on the court to shake hands with the winners (a sports tradition) and talk to the press (an NBA requirement for all players), LeTravel did what any punk will do: he walked off the court without a word to anyone. I heard he even refused to get on the team bus and sulked off to his mother's house (she lives in Orlando). What a punk! If that was Kobe, we would never hear the last of how Kobe is selfish. But with LeTravel, everybody (especially the fawning press) wants to give him excuses. He was so passionate about the game he couldn't talk! He didn't wanna saw the wrong thing! Bull!
I just wonder if David Stern will fine him for violating that rule. I remember one post-game interview where all Rasheed Wallace's response to ALL questions was "Both teams played hard". Dude didn't want to get fined but he knew he had a contractual obligation. But not LeTravel. When he wins, he's very loquacious; plays air guitar on the sidelines; blows powder at opposing teams' fans. But as soon as he loses (which he always will if he stays in Cleveland and is being coached by Mike I-allow-LeBron-to-run-things Brown), he clams up and refuses to talk. If he doesn't get fined big and publicly, it will only prove what we all known: David Stern wants LeTravel in the finals so bad, he's willing to sell the meager integrity of his game.
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