Have you ever blogged? This is what Microsoft baked into SharePoint as their blogging platform: In 2016! Seriously, this is the interface Microsoft expects people to use when composing blogs. Fuck, I don't even want to tweet 140 characters using this crappy layout. This looks like the UI I would have come up with 10 years (you know before the age of great web UI). I am no UI expert but I am self aware enough to know that: this is crappy you can "borrow" better UIs Microsoft, please stop with this nonsense. SharePoint is SharePoint; stop half-baking features like this into it. I have been around SharePoint for years now and I have yet to see any company where people actually use all the social features Microsoft is baking into it. All they've done is made SharePoint even more bloated. BTW, notice how there's an asterisk by the Title field in that screenshot? Why does a blog, which is sometimes a stream of consciousness writing, require a title? B
My opinions on fatherhood, politics, sports and everything else.