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Things I've learnt in 2 weeks of fatherhood

  • Looking at my two kids, I can now understand why parents can never ever see you as an adult. They'll always see you as the tiny little bundle that arrived after hours of labor. I look at my babies and think to myself: "one day, these two will try to prove they know more than I do". Yikes!
  • "Output" from a 2-week old baby can smell really really bad! But if your baby hasn't pooped in several hours, the sounds and smell of his poop can make you literally dance for joy.
  • Even 2-week old babies have little tricks up their sleeves. I swear my son was holding his bottle at 1-week. And when they're really hungry, they'll (attempt to) eat anything near their little mouths. And I mean anything: burp cloth, bib, their fingers, my finger. Thank God they don't have teeth yet.
  • Having a plan for the overnight feedings is crucial. In our case, we operated in shifts. My wife's mom took the midnight shift, my wife took the 3am 'cos she has to get up to pump anyway. And I took the 6am shift because I am usually up early. Don't know how the shifts will change once my mother-in-law leaves in a few days. But I am sure we'll come up with a plan.
  • On a good note, the past 2 weeks haven't been too difficult. I have finally gotten over the sleep deprivation and am getting used to sleeping in 3 hour increments. Now I just have to tear myself away from them to get back to work (unless I win the lottery in the new few days).
  • You know how they say to expect lack of sleep once you have babies? Well, I can tell you, it's not the sleep deprivation that'll get you. It's the forgetfulness. I can't tell you how many times I have been meaning to do something only to find out hours later that I never quite got to it. I started this blog entry 2 days ago and am only now just posting it
  • I have said this before and I suspect I'll say it again. With these kids, the days have been running into one another. I forgot my birthday until the last moment and I totally forgot about 4th of July. I was talking to my brother this morning and he said he was on his way to Atlanta. I was like "whats happening in Atlanta?" My sister and her family are travelling to NJ for a wedding. As for me, I'll be in this loop:
while (true) { eat; (poop &| pee) ; sleep; }

Happy 4th of July.


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