If you are eating or have a sensitive stomach, you might want to skip this post entirely.
You've been warned.
It's 3am on Tuesday morning and my wife wakes me up to help feed the babies. Our overnight plan is that she gets the babies and food ready and wakes me up to help feed them. Each parent takes a baby. I feed, burp and go back to sleep for another couple of hours until the next feeding. At least that's the plan until she goes back to work.
So there I was trying to change Dara and like a well-trained new dad, I inserted the new diaper under the old, lifted up her legs, wiped her butt and what do I see? A little bit of poop dribbles out. Now this has happened before where she waited until I started changing her. So I say "Come on, Dara, how come you always poop when I change you?" I proceeded to grab another wipe ('cos by now the first one is ...use your imagination). The next thing thing that happened is a loud sound followed by projectile pooping. It was truely awful. I had poop all over my hands, all over the changing pad, the rocking chair, the pillow on the rocking chair, the window blind and the closet door. Oddly enough, my first reaction was to burst out laughing.
And that is how I ended up scrubbing poop off the floor of the nursery at 3am on a work day. What's not to love about parenthood?
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