So there I was on a Friday afternoon having a discussion with a co-worker about articles, subject-verb agreement and other arcane aspect of grammar (we were arguing over the help text on a report). As these things sometimes do, it bogged down to an understanding of rules of English grammar. He said one thing was right and I said the other was right. Then out of nowhere he goes "let's get a 3rd person in here to break the tie". Great, I thought thinking he was going to suggest someone with a BA in English Literature or something like that (lots of disciplines end up in IT). But no, he said "let me get someone that was born here". And thus ended my productive time that day. What the heck do you mean get someone that was born here, I wanted to say to him. I had to study for years and take multiple exams to be proficient in this language; why would you assume someone born here is automatically better than me (I wasn't interested in his estimation of his own proficiency at this point). Arrgggghhh.
On November 25th , I ordered a couple of items from Bed, Bath & Beyond. It was late on Thanksgiving, I was up and decided to take a quick look at early Black Friday deals. The air fryer I had been eyeing for a few months was finally on sale. And I needed a comforter set. So why not kill 2 birds with one stone? I ordered both items for delivery (2-3 business days). Whatever, not an urgent need. Friday afternoon, I received an email from BBB, my items have been split into 2 shipments. The first shipment is on the way. Here's the tracking number. Oh nice...I clicked on the tracking number and got this: I do not list in NJ Go ahead, click on it and take a look at the dates. According to that tracking info, the package was shipped on October 13th! Yeah, that's the reason for the title of this post. Somehow, BBB issued an already-used tracking number for my shipment. It gets worse. Both shipments were assigned different used tracking numbers. Both tracking numbers were for pac...
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